Trip and Fall Lawyer


We’ve all done it. A moment of inattention at just the wrong time, and… trip, stumble stumble… and down! Some of the common causes of a trip and fall include:

  • Uneven walking surfaces
  • Loose flooring, carpeting or mats
  • Missing or uneven floor tiles and bricks
  • Damaged or irregular steps; no handrails
  • Clutter
  • Electrical cords or cables

While accidents do indeed happen, you will notice that most of these causes can be prevented. In other words, if you have experienced a trip and fall incident, you may have grounds to seek compensation with the guidance of a trip and fall lawyer. It is the responsibility of a property owner or relevant entity to keep a public space safe.

Trip and fall

Statistics show slipping and tripping to be the single most common cause of major injury in workplaces and they are often the initiators of accidents attributed to other causes, such as some machinery accidents, scalding and falls from height. They can leave you more than just red-faced.

First things first

Once you have fixed your hair or straightened your tie after a trip and fall – why do we do that? – the first actions you take can go a long way toward protecting your potential claim. While the following steps may be the last thing on your mind following an accident, they will prove critical in proving you have a compensation claim – imagine there is always a reluctance to accept you have a claim.

  • Have your injuries treated at a hospital or your G.P. A record will be made of any injuries you complain of even if no treatment is necessary, so it is important you tell the doctor all of your injuries no matter how small.
  • Take a note of exactly where your accident happened.
  • If you can, take a photograph immediately of the hazard which caused your accident
  • If you didn’t have a camera with you at the time of your accident go back to the scene as soon as you can to take.
  • Take the names and contact details of any witnesses.
  • Keep a diary of all you physical symptoms – what they are and on what dates.
  • Bear in mind that some of your injuries may go unnoticed initially due to shock, but as soon as any symptoms present themselves – however small – see your doctor.
  • Keep a record, as well as any receipts, for all the expenses you have as a result of your accident including: lost income, prescription expenses, travel expenses to and from your doctor, etc. These expenses can all form part of your slip/trip claim for compensation.

A trip and fall lawyer from our team can provide you with expert and experienced advice concerning the subtleties in successfully pursuing a legal claim.

For a free initial consultation to assess your case, please contact us today at (305) 998-7000.